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Learning About Waterfalls with Preschoolers

Cristi Wuenschel

As an Experience Early Learning Blog Ambassador, we receive the Experience Early Learning preschool curriculum in exchange for sharing our honest and authentic stories resulting from our personal experiences. As always, our opinions on amazing things for children are 100% our own. Keep in mind that all preschoolers do things in their own time and on their own terms. What one is ready for, another might not be. Please use your best judgement when planning activities for your children.

collage of preschool waterfall activities with text: Waterfall Activities for Preschoolers

Today's topic from Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time) was waterfalls, which meant the perfect opportunity to watch a video about waterfalls around the world.

preschooler punching out beaver tamplate for paper bag puppet craft

We were comparing each waterfall we saw with descriptive words such as tall, short, wide, fast, and slow.

preschoolers making beaver paper bag puppets

The children noticed certain animals, for example, black bears, and I asked where they thought they lived. They said somewhere cold.

preschooler squirting colored water on coffee filter

They saw waterfalls with tropical animals too! The preschoolers were definitely fascinated by the alligators from our lesson the other day so we read another alligator book as well.

preschooler exploring rocks and water sensory bin

We made a Venn diagram with what we learned about slow water (where alligators live) and fast waterfalls along with the similarities.

preschoolers using plastic cup to pour water into rocks and water sensory bin

It was a fun discussion! We painted water dancing ribbon sticks and then danced to slow and fast music.

preschooler painting wooden stick to make ribbon dancer

Another fun activity was making alligator teeth in play dough but used two dice and they added the dice together to know how many “teeth” to add.

preschoolers using cardstock and blue cellophane to make river process art

Our process art activity for today was making our own waterfalls and the children had a wonderful time being creative using a variety of art and craft supplies.

preschooler using cardstock and blue cellophane to make river process art

Don't forget to stop back next week to see what we're up to as we continue our Bubbles, Boats, & Floats theme from Experience Early Learning (formerly Mother Goose Time).

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