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Enrollment Forms

Equal Opportunity

Our program is accessible to all eligible individuals with disabilities through the most practical and economically
feasible means available. This could be a change in our equipment, our floor design, aids or staff training.


We will provide assistance to parents who have developmental concerns about their child.


If you feel that you have been discriminated against in any way, you may file a complaint with the following agencies:


Department of Public Welfare

Bureau of Equal Opportunity

Room 223, Health & Welfare Building

PO box 2675

Harrisburg, PA 17105


PA Human Relations Commission

301 Fifth Ave

Suite 390 Piatt Place

Pittsburgh, PA 15222


U.S. Dep’t of Health and Human Services

Office for Civil Rights

Suite 372, Public Ledger Bldg.

150 South Independence Mall West

Philadelphia, PA 19106-9111


Bureau of Equal Opportunity

Department of Public Welfare

Western Field Office

Suite 410 Piatt Place

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

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